From my previous blog on waste I established that 90% of my household waste is non-biodegradable nappies produced by my two baby boys. Around 8 million nappies are thrown away in the UK, every day!
Let’s face it, we’re not going to revolutionise the world’s nappy habits over night. This has been a very difficult challenge for me and my family because I’m busy and nappies are so convenient.
So how can we take a step in the right direction?
Tip 1: Get your baby into Washable Nappies as young as possible. If you leave it too late, like I did, they will become accustomed to the feel of disposable nappies and they will reject the washable ones. The best ones I’ve tried were Little Lamb bamboo and Bambino Mio Wrap.
Tip 2: Get them out of nappies altogether as early as you can. My friend in Sweden got her daughter to use the potty and toilet by age one and a half. It was tough but they stuck to the plan and it paid off. An example to us all.
Here’s a book I can recommend, which has helped me navigate the choppy waters of potty training. “Oh Crap! Potty Training” emphasised the positive aspects, like the child’s increased self-esteem from mastering the task of using the potty or toilet, whilst highlighting the negatives of keeping your child in nappies, such as the environment.
After his first day without nappies, I bragged about his achievements and he shone with pride and self-respect. This is one of my best parenting moments.